A great offering supports you to access FREEDOM
Artistic Offerings
Reach out to learn more about possibilities for you or your community.
Classes & Workshops
Dance and movement
Health and wellness
Fun and High energy
Celebrating mind, body and spirit
Heightens self-awareness, self-esteem and self-expression
Coaching Packages
The 1:1 Private Life Coaching experience with me. I choose to work with only a few private clients at a time.
This is for those ready to delve deep and illicit big shifts.
My commitment to you
is to always listen deeply in order to deeply serve.

What does working with me look like?
Abundance With Keomi Dance Classes is designed to access our personal abundance through connection, choreography, and celebration. It is a safe space to explore our self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-expression.
If you know that you would like to dive deeper into coaching with me you can apply to step into one on one work. This can be separate from or in addition to the membership. Members will receive a discounted rate for Coaching Packages.
And if you would like to work with me as an artistic director, creator, and performer. Please reach out directly to set up a time to discuss what that entails and can look like specifically for you and your institution.